Ad Land's Young Guns: Srinidhi, Visual Designer,
Our Visual Designer in conversation with Adgully - prominent A&M (Advertising & Marketing) Media
The Love for Magic
The Love for Magic - Our article in The Pioneer
Why is it important that parents and child sleep
"While a child depends on parents for a majority of their needs like food, education, life skills etc, sleeping in their own bed can have them start the feeling of “release from dependence” at an early age. One of the biggest needs to inculcate that habit is to teach them to face their fears, which is what prompts them to sleep with their parents in the first place.”
Replacing Kids electronic devices with personaliz
Reading boosts self-esteem, heightens the sense of understanding and instills values
Merlinwand on Spotify podcast!
Sudarshan Vig – Co-Founder and CEO, Merlinwand in conversation with Priyaranjan - Entrepreneur Lounge of India (ELI)
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