Understanding and Dealing with Speech Therapy
If you are a new parent, you would have umpteen doubts about your child’s growth, including speech and language development. You might be wondering if your child is reaching those speech milestones on time, whether they are developing enough vocabulary, whether they understand the language, and so on. 
Understanding Dyslexia
Dyslexia is a type of learning disability wherein the person having it has trouble processing words or numbers, despite being smart and motivated to learn. While some might think that Dyslexia is a disease, it is actually a condition a person is born with, and is often genetic.
Schools and Education Post the Pandemic
Of all the negatives, one of the positives that has come out of the Covid-19 pandemic is the realisation of the importance of schools. Parents faced quite a struggle, trying to balance work with their children at home, making them realise the caretaking role played by schools.